

8月4日晴 我越来越确信,我变得越来越不是当初希望的自己的模样了,有一种不明的麻木厚厚地覆盖在我的双眼前,我看不清自己,也看不清别人,看不清过去,看不清未来,只对当下此时的压力和慰藉感到片刻的情绪波动,这是种十分短视的自然冲突。 最近看到的那个辩论赛视频收获很大:就目前而言,人所收获到的,所有美好的值得流传的产物,都是对自然本性对抗的结果。人的大脑注意力只能集中片刻,人类开发各种学习方法就是为了克服这些自然的短板。 我当下处在的一个阶段,必定是未来十年当中最为重要的时刻之一。我深知重要性但又常常陷入一种莫名的慵懒和焦虑,一方面觉得自己就应该拿下港中深的offer到此为止,一方面又不甘心这条路就到此为止。究其根本,还是没有找到自己的职业方向和未来期许,但这个问题太大了,有些不够具体,人往往对抽象的东西无法直视,有一种天生的逻辑匮乏,便付诸于直觉。分析利弊什么的真的好困难啊,我也许就是在发恼骚吧。但是能写出来真好啊,我缺少一个表达的接口,我没有这种构建亲密关系的本领和长期投入的冲动,这样看来,一个人,写作,打字,书写,听别人的故事唱别人的歌,写自己的心事就好像是我人生的一种必然,一种十分抽象的路逐渐将我引导,我不知道是因为我的性格使然还是反而由此早就。这也许不重要。但无所谓。 明天继续,请不要放弃,如果还没有到说结束的时候,再看看最初。旅途总有终点,开始的时候的模样,结束的时刻,也许路途遥远身心疲惫,听听课写写字吧,思考和阅读,努力和开心,找到自己喜欢的很困难的话,就先挑出那些不喜欢的,去掉就是了。


7/25/2023 Cloudy but no sense Today is 2nd day of my blog journey, writing for thinking in English. DIARY Morning: spoken integrated speaking Afternoon: nothing Evening: long and difficult sentences and GRE review, practice Anyway, when I practiced tonight, running around the playground, I sparked the idea that learning everything, including English or even TOFEL, and GRE, quickly passing through all content is the first thing, and then reviewing, revising, readjusting them over and over again is the most significant thing during the entire studying. Because the brain is so lazy during this tedious and painful process it tends to quit fleetingly and choose the easiest way to study, a stressful process as well. But there is an illusion that our brains will slightly escape this course of study when we review and repeat it over and over again. That is the thing. Choose to repeat rather than resume.  This is a word, 'indefensible', which means groundless, I forgot it many times. Ho...

The great opening

7/24/2023, Sunny and pleased Hey, strangers or others. Today, I will thrive to write my thoughts and experience that thoroughly passed my life in English, and I never remembered them before. That ignorance often leads me to rethink myself confusedly. Why do I forget most of the significant things and become insensitive to life and pleased things and interesting people? Why do I choose to pursue the imaginary fame and dream rather than the specific happiness and pain of my life? I found I lost my interest in writing whatever in English or Chinese. Actually, I thought I preferred to express my thoughts and experience in Chinese, my native tongue. However, I always forgot to think about the logical relationship between knowledge and fell into endless interrogation loaded pressure from society and impractical push for myself in the past. But when I learned another language systematically, following exact logical demonstration and recurrent, it seems that effective thought including specifi...